_I sometimes get asked for references and tools (free and/or open source oriented) and I decided to compile here the ones I use the most, which I highly recommend for frequent use (so very personal selection)._ _Considering that this is "work in progress" for the moment, I'm open to any suggestion._ _Good reading ! Franck_

## Operating Systems 🐧 #### Server - [Debian](https://www.debian.org) & [YunoHost](https://yunohost.org) ( Self-Hosting ) #### Workstation - [Manjaro](https://manjaro.org) (with [GNOME](https://www.gnome.org)) : The advantage of **Arch Linux**'s stability with an easier handling, just install to work 🤓 - [elementary OS](https://elementary.io) : Based on **Ubuntu** (without _Snap_ package manager), a distribution that will remind a lot _macOS™_ without its locks - [Pop! OS](https://pop.system76.com) : Also based on **Ubuntu** (and still without _Snap_), I use it mainly for multimedia - To watch, the young (but promising) [Vanilla OS](https://vanillaos.org) with a pure **GNOME** and interesting choices, especially on security #### Mobile - [LineageOS](https://lineageos.org) : [AOSP](https://source.android.com) version of _Android™_, works perfectly without _Google™_ products (and with the [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org) application store) - [/e/OS](https://e.foundation/e-os/) : Other AOSP variant, initiated by Gaël Duval (one of the late [MandrakeLinux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandriva_Linux) founders), with complete "de-Googlized" ecosystem - [postmarketOS](https://postmarketos.org) : Very interesting and dynamic adaptation of **Linux** with several possible interfaces including **GNOME** or **Plasma** - [Mobian](https://mobian-project.org) : Mobile adaptation of **Debian**, slowly but surely progressing … - [Ubuntu Touch](https://ubuntu-touch.io) : After the withdrawal of _Canonical™_, [UBports](https://ubports.com) and its community have nicely taken over this mobile version of **Ubuntu** #### Others - :watch: [AsteroidOS](https://asteroidos.org) : Excellent alternative to _Android Wear_ for connected watches - :joystick: [Lakka](https://lakka.tv) & [Recalbox](https://www.recalbox.com) : **Linux** distributions dedicated to emulation and retrogaming - 📻 [Volumio](https://volumio.com/en/get-started/) : Local network jukebox solution, installable on a _Raspberry Pi™_ board - :tv: [webOS OSE](https://www.webosose.org) : Project I follow, it's the open source counterpart of the _webOS™_ bought by _LG™_

## Softwares #### Design - [Akira](https://github.com/akiraux/Akira) : UX design tool project in development - [Minder](https://github.com/phase1geo/Minder) : Mind mapping application to organise and visualise our ideas #### Development - [DBeaver](https://dbeaver.io) : Cross-platform database management (very useful for on-the-fly consultation) - [GNOME Text Editor](https://apps.gnome.org/en/app/org.gnome.TextEditor) : Text editor (and more if affinities) for **GNOME** (as indicated) of which I made the 1st French translation - [Geany](https://www.geany.org) : Lightweight and customizable IDE (I have some [additions](https://codeberg.org/DansLeRuSH/geany) to suggest) - [Meld](https://meldmerge.org) : Indispensable for code comparison and merge - [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org) : Another IDE (under _Windows_) with my [_DansLeRuSH-Dark_ dark theme](https://codeberg.org/DansLeRuSH/notepad-plus-plus-dark-theme) included since version 7.8.7 - [Seer](https://github.com/epasveer/seer) : Graphical interface for [GNU Projet Debugger](https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/) (GDB) - [VSCodium](https://vscodium.com) : For anyone who would like to use **Visual Studio Code** with _libres_ binaries and without the _Microsoft_'s "telemetry" 🕵️ - [Zowe](https://zowe.org) : Integrated and extensible open source framework for Mainframe _z/OS_ … professional interest 🤓 #### Graphics - [GIMP](https://gimp.org) : Very complete _bitmap_ editor, I use it almost daily - [Goxel](https://goxel.xyz) : _Voxel_ editor, perfect for stacking cubes - [GrafX2](http://pulkomandy.tk/projects/GrafX2) : A bit retro but ideal for _pixel art_ 👾 - [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org) : Very complete (and supported) _vector_ editor, I do all my _.svg_ with #### Internet - [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/fr/firefox) : THE browser (admittedly imperfect but the only valid one) - [GNOME Web (Epiphany)](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web) : Minimal browser very useful to (also) test _WebKit_ under **Linux** - [Thunderbird](https://thunderbird.net) : Indispensable email client, very practical in its multi-account management #### Network - [RustDesk](https://rustdesk.com) : Remote desktop support for _Linux_, _macOS_, _Windows_ and _Android_ - [Wireshark](https://wireshark.org) : Excellent for capturing network data and monitoring traffic

## Web / Network applications #### Collaboration - [Mobilizon](https://joinmobilizon.org/fr/) : Event organisation and group management - [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com) : File hosting and collaboration tools #### Communication - [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org) : Videoconference developed for distance learning, with slide presentation, _whiteboard_ and polling - [Jitsi](https://jitsi.org) : « _Open source alternative to Zoom™_ » with instant messaging, voice over IP, video conferencing and end-to-end encryption - [Matrix](https://matrix.org) : Open standard for interoperable, decentralised and real-time (also audio/video) chat communication - [Mattermost](https://mattermost.com) : Free, self-hosted instant messaging dedicated to organisations or companies #### Design - [Penpot](https://penpot.app) : Open source design and prototyping platform #### Development - [Forgejo](https://forgejo.org) : Git-based software forge, derived from _Gitea™_, lightweight, complete and forever community-based #### Multimedia - [Castopod](https://castopod.org) : Very complete podcast hosting solution - [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org) : Federated, paralleling and self-hosted video streaming #### Security / InfoSec - [CrowdSec](https://www.crowdsec.net) : Collaborative Fail2Ban (identifying and sharing malicious IP addresses) - [Pi-Hole](https://pi-hole.net) : Ad blocking at network level, works as a DNS liar and possibly in DHCP #### Wiki - [XWiki](https://xwiki.com), whose [standard offer](https://xwiki.com/fr/offres/produits/xwiki-standard) is free