Hi everybody, You can find here several improvements I did for *Geany IDE* : - **DansLeRuSH** a dark theme with smooth but contrasted colors, close to material design's ones - Improvements on **Script Shell filetype** mainly on secondaries (and missing) keywords including : *cd chgrp chmod chown cp dd dir du df echo file find ftp grep gzip head less ln locate ls lsof mkdir more mount mv pwd rm rmdir split tar touch umask umount wc whereis which whoami* - Improvements on **COBOL filetype** also on some missing secondaries keywords, spltting previous keywords for a better readability, missing numeric types, etc. - New **REXX filetype** for scripting on z/OS systems (yes sometimes I'm working on old stuff ;)) - Also changing the common filetype configuration and filetype extansions to add the new one (REXX) - And my personal Geany's configuration, more a backup for me ;)